A lesson plan by Elena Malec




                    PREPARATION:  Quantity, concept of numbers 1 to 5.


                    MATERIALS :   Five cards with colored bunnies, pink for EVEN and blue for ODD.

                                                Five cards with the words ODD and EVEN.

                                                Pink and Blue chips on the respective cards for identification.

                                                Pink and Blue chips to match the chips on cards.

                                                Five symbols of numbers from 1 to 5.

                                                Tray to hold the work.


                    PRESENTATION:  Invite the child.

                                                      Take the work to the table/rug.

                                                      Ask the child to place the cards in a sequence, top to bottom or right to left.

                                                      Ask the child if he can find the symbol for the number of bunnies on each card..

                                                      Say: “This bunny does not have a friend.(card 1)

                                                              This bunny has a friend to play with.(card2)

                                                          Show me the bunnies with a friend.These we call EVEN.

                                                          Show me the bunnies without a friend. These we call ODD.”

                                                      Point to numbers/symbols: “Show me a card with an even number of bunnies.

                                                       Show me a card with an odd number of bunnies.”

                                                        Point randomly at a card and ask: “Which one is this?”

                                                         Ask the child to match the chips on cards.Ask him to match the EVEN, ODD cards

                                                          with the bunny cards.



                    DIRECT AIMS: 1. Association of quantity and symbol.

                                                 2. Reinforcement 1 to 5.

                                                 3. Confirmation of knowing the sequence 1 to 5.

                                                 4. Introduction of ODD and EVEN concepts.



                    POINTS OF INTEREST: 1.Counting bunnies

                                                                2. Color of bunnies.

                                                                3.The chips and matching colors.

                                                                4. New words: even and odd.



                     CONTROL OF ERROR: 1. The chips on cards.


                     LANGUAGE: The words: odd and even.


                     VARIATIONS: dinosaurs, squirrels.


                     AGE: 3 and up.